Friday, May 30, 2014

Phrase of the Day: A Complete Shambles

Phrase of the Day: A COMPLETE SHAMBLES: a situation in which there is a lot of confusion; great clutter or jumble; a total mess

“Whenever my son makes dinner, he leaves the kitchen in a complete shambles.”

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Phrase of the Day: Charity Begins at Home

Phrase of the Day: CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME: you should help and care for your own family, etc. before you start helping other people 

“If you really want to make the world a better place, start by being nice to your sister. Charity begins at home.”

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Phrase of the Day: Cooking the Books

Phrase of the Day: COOKING THE BOOKS: The deliberate distorting of a firm's financial accounts, often with the aim of avoiding the payment of tax.

“One of the directors had been cooking the books and the firm had been losing money for years.”

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Monday, May 26, 2014

Comprehension: Polish Police Target Reckless Drivers

Poland ranks as one of the European Union's most dangerous countries for drivers, with more than 4,000 deaths caused by road accidents on average every year. In 2012 Polish police made road safety a priority.

Watch the video and answer the questions below. Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. 350 people lost their lives in the first week of December.
a. True
b. False

2. The driving fines in Poland are very expensive.
a. True
b. False

3. The number of road deaths in Poland in 2012 has increased by 15% 
    compared to  the same period in 2011.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

The first week of December was the deadliest so far this year on Poland's roads. Over three days, 52 people lost their lives and 350 were injured. Figures like that underline Poland's stark record on transport security. In 2011, the country held the dubious title of having the European Union's most dangerous roads, ahead of Greece and Romania. 

"Poles don't have the means to buy new cars, so they buy bad quality second-hand vehicles. And over the past 20 years, the number of cars in Poland has spiralled, while the construction of new roads hasn't kept up." 

There's plenty of road building going on, but motorways don't even make up 1 percent of the country's transport network. Instead, the bulk of traffic relies on local roads where thousands of trucks criss-cross the country and where overtaking can be hazardous. On top of that, Poland has among the EU's weakest legislation on dangerous driving. 

"In line with the legal sliding scale, fines range from about 5 € to 125 €. They haven't risen in Poland for about a decade. Our scale of fines is very driver-friendly." 

Over the past year, Poland's police have stepped up their road security campaign. Cutting-edge radars are being posted along the country's roads, notably in cities. The country's traffic police have also bought 29 special vehicles equipped with mobile speed detectors. 

"Our job is not to arrest or pursue lawbreakers. We just take the pictures. On a good day, this device can log up to 200 breaches an hour," 

The Polish state reckons it will rake in 400€ million thanks to radars in 2013. But fear of punishment has also had an immediate impact. From January to October, the number of road deaths in Poland fell by 15% compared to the same period in 2011. One habit that is proving harder to change, however, is that of drink-driving. Alcohol is to blame for one road death in eight in Poland. 

1. b
2. b
3. b

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Phrase of the Day: To Catch Somebody Red-handed

Phrase of the Day: TO CATCH SOMEBODY RED-HANDED: to catch somebody in the act of doing something wrong or committing a crime.

 "Tom was stealing the car when the police drove by and caught him red-handed."

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Phrasal Verbs: to look

This week,'to look' is the verb used to make our phrasal verbs. Do you know what they mean?


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Phrase of the Day: Give Somebody the Cold Shoulder

Phrase of the Day: GIVE SOMEBODY THE COLD SHOULDER: to treat somebody in an unfriendly way.

What have I done to him? He gave me the cold shoulder the whole evening at the party.

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Phrase of the Day: Cock-a-hoop

Phrase of the Day: COCK-A-HOOP (about/at/over something): In a state of exuberant elation.

"They're all cock-a-hoop about winning the first game of the season."

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Phrase of the Day: To Not Have a Clue

Phrase of the Day: TO NOT HAVE A CLUE: to know nothing about something or about how to do something.

“I don't have a clue where she lives.”

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Vocabulary: farm animals

How many farm animal words can you see in the image below?
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1. cow

2. donkey

3. horse

4. goose

5. sheep

6. pig 

7. goat

8. chicken

9. duck

Phrase of the Day: Chock-a-block

Phrase of the Day: CHOCK-A-BLOCK: Crammed so tightly together as to     
                           prevent movement. 

“It was chock-a-block in town today.”

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Comprehension: Bedouin Children Determined To Learn In Remote School

It takes a certain kind of dedication to be a pupil at the Jahalin primary school, where children often walk for hours across tough desert terrain just to get there. Others come by donkey to this small but thriving Bedouin school tucked away in an inhospitable corner of the Judaean desert, just outside Jerusalem. 

Watch the video and answer the questions below. Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. There has always been education available in Wadi Abu Hindi.
a. True
b. False

2. The school complies with the Israeli building regulations.
a. True
b. False

3. The Bedouin believe there will be road access very soon. 
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

It takes a certain kind of dedication to be a pupil at the Jahaleen primary school. With no road access, teachers and students must cross desert terrain to get there on foot. But for the Bedouin children studying in the impoverished West Bank community of Wadi Abu Hindi, it’s worth the effort. 

“I want to study because I want to become a teacher. My father and my mother promised me, because my older brothers stopped, that they would educate me and my other siblings. " 

Some 300 Bedouin from the Jahalin tribe live in Wadi Abu Hindi, which is made up of tin shacks and where there is no running water or electricity. 

"Before the school was created, this area was lacking in education. Most of the families here, 90 percent or even more, couldn't read or write.” 

Although the community would like to pave a road to the school, they can’t. They are located in a part of the West Bank known as Area C, which is under full Israeli military and administrative control. Buildings must comply with stringent Israeli regulations or face the threat of demolition. 

"We are people that are deprived from any public services. Our houses and school were demolished in 1997. We managed to get an order from the High Court which allowed us to put things back as they were. We are suffering since 1997. In 2011, they again sent us threatening orders.” 

But for now, the bamboo school, which was renovated by the villagers with help from NGOs, has been spared. 

1. b
2. b
3. b

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Phrase of the Day: A Chip of the Old Block

Phrase of the Day: A CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK: a person who is very similar to their mother or father in the way that they look or behave.

“John looks like his father—a real chip off the old block.”

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Phrase of the Day: On Cloud Nine

Phrase of the Day: ON CLOUD NINE: In a state of blissful 
“When I got my promotion, I was on cloud nine.”

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Idioms: Horses with answers

This week 'horses' are the theme of our idioms. Do you know what they mean?

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Phrase of the Day: Champing at the Bit

Phrase of the Day: CHAMPING AT THE BIT: impatient to do or start doing something

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Phrase of the Day: Chinese Whispers

Phrase of the Day: CHINESE WHISPERS: Inaccurately transmitted gossip. 'Chinese whispers' refers to a sequence of repetitions of a story, each one differing slightly from the original, so that the final telling bears only a scant resemblanceto the original.

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Phrase of the Day: Has the Cat got your tongue?

Phrase of the Day: (HAS THE) CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE?: A question addressed to someone who won't speak

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Comprehension: Frustration Foments in Yangon's Slums Despite Reforms

Myanmar's trumpeted reforms are yet to trickle down to Yangon's poor, rubbish-strewn slums where experts say residents' frustrations could turn ugly if the benefits of change are not felt soon.

Watch the video and answer the questions below. Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. The women are well provided for by the state. 
a. True
b. False

2. The people of Myanmar do not have the right to protest.
a. True
b. False

3. Myanar had military rule for half a century.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

In this Yangon slum, a group of women have taken charge of their own destiny. Each week they put aside a few dollars, hoping to one day start their own business from the savings. With the state failing to provide a safety net, it may be their only route out of poverty, and a neighbourhood that floods each month during the high tide. 

"We have not felt the change everybody is talking about. I think it has happened among the upper level of society". 

Government reforms over the past year-and-a-half have so far failed to reach the quarter of Myanmar's population that survives below the poverty line. Authorities want to reduce the poverty rate to 16 percent by 2015, and hope a new law encouraging foreign investment will drive job creation. 

"They need income. So they need more job opportunities. For that, foreign investment needs to come. Business can create the jobs that people need." 

How the government manages the hopes of Myanmar's poor, who now have the right to protest, is essential to the progress of reform. Last spring, demonstrations against chronic power cuts brought hundreds of people to the streets. And after 50 years of military rule, those left behind as Myanmar opens up will be tempted to stake a claim to the opportunity that many see in the country's future. 

"We think we have to manage those expectations, because things do not happen in a hurry." 

At this illegal slum settlement near the centre of Yangon, residents eke out a living, waiting for reforms to trickle down to their community. Cut adrift from the euphoria of progress being enjoyed by Myanmar's elite, their prospects remain bleak. 

1. b
2. b
3. a

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Friday, May 9, 2014

Vocabulary: Sports

How many sports words can you see in the image below?
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  1. badminton 
  2. squash
  3. tennis
  4. golf
  5. rugby
  6. football
  7. gymnastics
  8. cycling
  9. running
  10. swimming
  11. walking
  12. yoga
  13. volleyball
  14. boxing

Phrase of the Day: Let the Cat Out of the Bag

Phrase of the Day: LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG: to tell a secret carelessly or by mistake.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Phrase of the Day: Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Phrase of the Day: BEGGARS CAN'T BE CHOOSERS: When there is no choice and somebody must be satisfied with what is available.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Comprehension: Autumn Brings Baltic Gold Rush to Poland

When autumn arrives on Poland's Baltic coast, the first storms of the season are churning up a prehistoric treasure on the sandy shore. Here, amber is worth about 13 dollars a gram, which explains why some people refer to it as 'Baltic gold'.

Watch the video and answer the questions below. Decide if the statements are True or False.

1.The Amber hunters along Poland's Baltic Sea coast provide enough amber for market demands in Gdansk.
a. True
b. False

2.Gdansk is the world's number one city for amber.
a. True
b. False

3. Amber has more tones and colours than any other material.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

In November, amber hunters scour the beaches along Poland's Baltic Sea coast. Wlodek Janowski has been fishing out this fossilized resin known locally as 'Baltic Gold' for forty years. A gold rush of sorts comes as the first autumn storms wash up amber, from the sea floor onto the shore. 

"It's a good day's catch! This piece will sell for 80 zloty and these for about 50 a piece, and that big one will be at least 150. If you find two or three pieces weighing 200 or 300 grams each, it’s a few thousand zloty in just one day." 

But the amber collected by hunters like Janowski is just a fraction of what the market needs. Poland's Baltic port city of Gdansk is the world's amber capital, and demand here for this ancient treasure is high. Most of the amber in this jewellery shop is imported from the nearby Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. But these gems are entirely crafted in Gdansk, where expertise in amber work stretches back to before the Middle Ages. 

 "The tradition of amber work was totally lost under communism in the former Soviet countries but even then in Poland the amber workshops were preserved. Even though access to amber was limited, craftsmen could still develop their skills and traditions." 

In Gdansk, this man is known as the king of amber. At 66, Lucjan Myrta has devoted his life to working wonders with Baltic gold. In total, he's transformed over three hundred tonnes of raw amber into priceless works of art. His piece de resistance is this Biblically-themed treasure chest. At nearly 3 metres high, and weighing in at eight tonnes, it took 12 years to complete. 

"No other material has such a rich variety of tones and colours. Amber has more than 300 variations! Amber is the hero of my work. It decides for me what I'll do, it shapes my ideas and the designs I create." 

Having already been on exhibition in Poland's historic southern city of Krakow, plans are afoot to see Myrta's entire collection on display in Russia, before future stops, possibly in Saudi Arabia and France. 

1. b
2. a
3. a

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Phrase of the Day: Let Bygones Be Bygones

Phrase of the Day: LET BYGONES BE BYGONES:Allow the unpleasant things that have happened in the past to be forgotten.

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Phrase of the Day: Beyond Belief

Phrase of the Day: BEYOND BELIEF: too great, difficult, etc. to be believed

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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Phrasal Verbs with Answers: to let

This week,'to let' is the verb used to make our phrasal verbs. Do you know what they mean?

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Phrase of the Day: A Carbon Copy

Phrase of the Day: A CARBON COPY: person or thing that is very similar to somebody/something else

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