Sunday, December 2, 2012

Transcript and Answers: News Report 1st December 2012

A famous US magician has been seriously injured after a TV host set his head on fire live on television.
Wayne Houchin was appearing on a show in the Dominican Republic when, in an apparently unscripted prank, its host dropped flammable liquid on his head, setting him alight.
Houchin's own crew, who were at the show, rushed to save him and put out the flames - but not before he had suffered burns to his head, face, neck and right hand.
The illusionist, who hosts Breaking Magic on the Discovery Channel, was rushed to hospital where he says he is "in pain" but recovering.
Houchin, wrote on Facebook after the incident: "I was not aware he was going to do this. This was a criminal act.

In his memoir," The Long Run,"  Mishka Shubaly chronicles his journey from "irreverent young drunk" to ultra-runner. The author sobered up by running five miles at a time, then 10, then 50.
It was Shubaly's editor who first suggested he write about his road to recovery.
"I told him point-blank, 'No one wants to hear me cry about how I messed up my own life,' " Shubaly said. "And I was totally wrong."
When "The Long Run" was published on Amazon's Kindle Singles list in 2011, it was No. 1, bumping Stephen King out of the top spot.
The book's popularity may have been a surprise to Shubaly, but experts know he's not alone in using exercise to overcome addiction. Groups have been popping up around the country to help people stay sober by staying active.

A wealthy American businessman posing as a "secret Santa" is giving away $100,000 in $100 bills to survivors of Superstorm Sandy.
The benefactor is from Kansas City, Missouri and insists on not being named or photographed.
On Thursday, he spent the day in New Jersey and New York thrusting crisp bills into the hands of stunned residents.
"It's about the random acts of kindness," he said.
"I'm just setting an example, and if 10% of the people who see me emulate what I'm doing, anybody can be a Secret Santa."
In Staten Island, his motorcade passed homes surrounded by debris before stopping at a disaster centre run by volunteers.


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