Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Comprehension: Life Returning To Normal In Northern Mali

Ever since Islamists were rushed out of Gao by the French army, traces of their presence have begun to fade. Now people are returning to the city, trying to rediscover their old way of life. 

Watch the video below and answer the following questions. Are they True or False?

1. The owner of the bar ‘Le Petit Dogon’, has returned with his cousins.
a. True
b. False

2. 20% of Gao’s population stayed during the troubles.
a. True
b. False

3. In Yana Maïga High School only one third of students are still missing.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

The city of Gao can breathe once again. Sharia law is no more, the Islamists have left, and symbols of the influence they once had in one of Mali's largest cities are vanishing. Bars are beginning to reopen, such as "Le Petit Dogon". Its owner fled, and still hasn't returned, but earlier this month, his cousins decided to revive the business. 
"After the French and foreign forces cleared the city, we asked ourselves: 'why not reopen the bar?' Even if we're not going to reset everything, the goal is to bring attention from customers to "Le Petit Dogon".”
 According to one local NGO, 80% of Gao's population fled in 2012. But with French forces on patrol, word is spreading that the area is now secure. 
"I am back today for the first time. I hear that Gao is good again. I hear people saying it but I wanted to see it for myself." 
The change is also visible in local schools. Under Islamic law, girls were forced to wear a veil and be segregated from boys. Though that's no longer the case, at Yana Maïga High School, only one third of students is back in class. Exams were delayed because of the fighting, and students are behind in the school year. 
"We now hope that Mali has recovered its territory. The Malian authorities and the ministry will be there to make sure the kids are able to sit their exams properly." 
At the entry point to Gao, one last Islamic symbol remains. It's a reminder which most of the city's 
90 000 inhabitants will want to forget, in the hope that normal life has returned for good. 

1. b
2. a
3. b

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