Friday, July 19, 2013

Comprehension: Morocco Show Jumpers Aim for Olympics with French Help

The Moroccan national show jumping team, fired by the enthusiasm of King Mohammed VI, is training in France to raise their level, with a single aim in mind: take part in the next Olympics. 

Watch the video and answer the questions below.  Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. The king of Morocco is an enthusiastic supporter of showjumping.
a. True
b. False

2. Marcel Rozier was once an Olympic champion showjumper.
a. True
b. False

3. One of the speakers says that a good horse is all you need to be successful.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

 It's here, in faraway France, that the elite of Morocco's riders train. Showjumping, an unusual discipline for the North Africans.                 

And this is Porsche, the star of the royal Moroccan stables, coming third in last year's Grand Prix of the Global Champions Tour.
"Frankly, in Morocco anyone really, can ride. Even someone with no money can join a club. It's accessible to anybody."                   

 The King of Morocco has made building a national riding team a priority, based on his country's ancient equestrian customs. He personally asked former Olympic champion Marcel Rozier and his son Philippe to find the right horses and train the riders.      
 "His majesty trusts me completely.  Horse competitions are Mohamed the Sixth's passion.  He sees everything, he knows everything, he's familiar with all the riders and all the horses."
 Morocco is following in the footsteps of Saudi Arabia, whose team won a bronze medal at the last Olympics, and Qatar, also a big investor, by putting a lot of money into horses and especially, into training.
"You can buy the best horse in the world, but if you ride it badly it's not going to work. When you're supposed to take five strides, but you take six, you've failed. We are trying to lift Morocco up to its potential level."
In practice that means participating in the next Nations Cup. And according to its highest-ranked rider, Morocco's career should not stop there.
"The Saudis managed in very little time, so did the Qataris. There no reason why Moroccans shouldn't manage. If we get what we need, we can easily be at the next Olympics."
That day Moroccans will finally take what they see as their rightful place among the great riding nations of the world.

1. a
2. a
3. b

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