Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Comprehension: Buffaloes a Divisive Link to Hong Kong's Past

Just a short journey from the hectic centre of Hong Kong, water buffaloes roam over jungle-clad hills. But a decision to move some of them has sparked a row between villagers who view them as a nuisance, and nature lovers who see them as part of a beautiful rural setting.
Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. The buffaloes are related to farm animals.
a. True
b. False

2. Most of the buffaloes have been moved to the nature reserve.
a. True
b. False

3.The buffaloes help to create a good environment for birds at the nature reserve.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

Buffaloes are perhaps the last thing you'd expect to find in Hong Kong. Yet scores of the majestic beasts roam just a short journey from gleaming skyscrapers. But many residents aren't happy to share their island with the farm animal descendants.
"If they get into parks, it’s dangerous for the children playing there, and they get frightened by them. There are a lot of buffaloes on the beaches too and we’re afraid when we swim because they look fierce. Sometimes they cross the road, which is dangerous for drivers, who often have to stop to let them pass."
 But now a handful of the buffaloes have a useful job to do. They've been moved to a nature reserve in northwest Hong Kong where they graze wetlands and there is little risk of coming into conflict with humans.
"We found that buffalo are actually very good at managing the habitats, at keeping short vegetation, keeping  wetland areas, which provides very good habitat for the birds that we get here."
The WWF hopes to take in more buffaloes soon. But not everyone's so happy to see their neighbours leave.
 "This is their home. They make this place beautiful for the community. Without them, we do not have this beautiful scenery."
Proof then that the beasts do have friends - of all shapes and sizes.

1. a
2. b
3. a

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