Friday, January 10, 2014

Comprehension: Insects Making Eco-Friendly Buzz in Dutch Kitchens

Cecile's kitchen in Sittard in the southeastern Netherlands is buzzing with activity. 
Watch the video and answer the questions below.  Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. There are already about two billion people in the world who eat insects.
a. True
b. False

2. Seppo Hensgens has written a cook book on eating insects.
a. True
b. False

3. Ecological reasons are given as one of the reasons why people are beginning to eat insects instead of meat.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

"Walnuts, almonds and mealworms. We have to put them back in the pan so they taste better."
Cecile leads a cooking workshop with a twist, inviting her students to introduce insects into traditional recipes, like this one for the Turkish desert, baklava.
"I was already looking for alternatives to meat because I want to be healthy but becoming vegetarian is a bit too difficult."
"It's got to be good. I won't eat anything I don't like even if I know it's healthier."
Today's menu is larvae burgers with a side dish of couscous grasshoppers and a chocolate mealworm dessert. 
While some may cringe at the thought of being served up insects for their dinner, around two billion people around the world would consider that a delicious meal.
And they're quickly becoming more popular… Not only are insects easy to process, but they're also nutritious, packed with proteins and minerals.
Researchers say that huge financial and environmental savings could be made by switching from meat to insects.
"If we produce beef that takes about 25 kilograms of feed for one kilogram of meat. With insects it's two to one, so it's ten times better. We got less manure, less pollution, less greenhouse gas production." 
Seppo Hensgens is the author of a book of insect-based recipes; a phenomenon he hopes will catch on.
"This is good. It really adds something, a nutty taste. Very good!"
Although globally, sales of edible insects may still lag far behind those of meat, attitudes do seem to changing, especially after recent meat scandals, as people search for alternative, cheaper, and healthier cuisines. 

1. a
2. a
3. b

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