Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Comprehension: Winter Arrives at Washington's First 'Hospital' for Wild Animals

This winter, Washington's wild animals have a new ally helping them through these difficult months. City Wildlife cares for all sorts of creatures that get into trouble in the US capital.
Watch the video and answer the questions below.  Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. You can phone Washington D.C.’s animal rescue team at any time, day or night.
a. True
b. False

2. All animals are taken back to the rehab centre to check that they are healthy.
a. True
b. False

3. The turtle has been at the centre for about a month.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.


Transcript and Answers:

Cindy Velasquez has just got her first call-out of the day; a member of Washington D.C.’s animal rescue team, she’s off to deal with an uninvited visitor in a local home. 
"We're going to 5th Street NW, to get a squirrel out of a chimney." 
Cindy’s team are on call 24 hours a day, always ready to help animals, and local residents, in distress. Today, there are no injuries to deal with, just a squirrel that’s been trapped in a bedroom since the previous day. After a 10 minute chase, Cindy finally catches him.
"That's typically what we do; we go in, remove the squirrels from the homes, or any other wildlife. He did give me a little run around, but that is usually what happens, they usually just run around the rooms because they're trying to find a way out." 
Healthy animals are released back into the wild. Those with injuries come here, to this charity rehab centre for wild animals, the first of its kind in Washington. City Wildlife can handle up to 1,500 ‘patients’ per year, and has incubators, a dispensary and an examination room. 
"This turtle actually had a degloving of this rear leg; it was brought in by DC animal care and control. It was bloody and pretty gross looking, but as you can see we've had him about four weeks, and we've been giving antibiotics and cleaning it daily, and now it looks fantastic." 
In 2013, almost 300 wild animals have been nursed back to health, with some of them set to be released back into the wild this spring. 

1. a
2. b
3. a

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