Thursday, February 20, 2014

Comprehension: Austria's Traditional Balls Given a Modern Twist

Austria's ball season traditionally runs from December to February, and while they were originally designed to introduce young men and women into society, now the focus is on a passion for dance.
Watch the video and answer the questions below.  Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. Annually, there are over 400 balls in Vienna.
a. True
b. False

2.The balls take place in the summer.
a. True
b. False

3. Dancers train for a week before the ball season.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

This could be a scene from the nineteenth century - but it's actually winter 2014 in Austria. More than 400 balls take place every year in Vienna from the end of December to February, open to young men and women aged 16 to 24. Originally designed for parents to introduce their children into society, today's primary criteria is that those who attend are passionate dancers. 
"It's really exciting to attend the opening of a ball, coming just like this; we don't normally live this way." "There's adrenaline too, nerves." 
Two left feet could land you in hot water at one of these balls so dancers train once a week during the year. Choreographers then pair up couples one by one who then start learning official routines around two months before the big night. But this isn’t just an opportunity to polish up your dance moves… 
"It plays an important role in teaching young men and women how to move in society, how to carry oneself in a cloakroom, how to behave at the dinner table, how to ask somebody to dance, all these things to find their place in society; we cover all these things with students so that they aren't shocked." 
The balls are still considered a rite of passage into adulthood, but not all are the same - some are more prestigious than others. 
"The best is obviously to be able to open the Opera Ball but the other balls are obviously good as well. It's a question of society. A person is judged according to whether they've attended a big ball or not." 
For all of their traditions and rules, Vienna's balls are showing a hint of the 21st century - Once the opening of a ball has taken place, women can swap white dresses for something a little more expressive and a little easier to dance in… 

1. a
2. b
3. b

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