Friday, February 28, 2014

Comprehension: Western Colleges Find Common Ground on Malaysia Campus

Asia's first multi-versity is springing to life in southern Malaysia. 

Watch the video and answer the questions below.  Decide if the statements are True or False.

1.Marlborough College is one of the facilities in the new education centre.
a. True
b. False

2.In 2011 the first multi-versity was opened in Southern Malaysia.
a. True
b. False

3. Newcastle is famous for its engineering facility.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

The lawns are trimmed, the rugby and football pitches beautifully kept, the new running track proving popular with the students, and the pool spotlessly clean. Everything you'd expect from one of Britain's leading private boarding schools.  But what makes this one stand out is its location; it's not in England, but southern Malaysia.
"The facilities that have been there in the UK have been developed over 170 years; we're not even 170 weeks old here! This will get better and better as time goes on. But critically the type of education that we're delivering is pretty much the same as we do back in the United Kingdom."
Marlborough College is just one facility of many in a new education area known as Educity on the outskirts of the city of Johor. Several of the best university departments from the UK and other countries have come together to create Asia's first multi-versity. It was opened in 2011.
"A Malaysian student will be able to get the Newcastle UK medical degree, it is the same degree exactly, it is the same programme exactly, for about 60 per cent of the costs compared to studying in the UK."
Next to Newcastle's medical school is Southampton's engineering faculty - consistently ranked one of the best courses in Europe. Students will spend two years here, before transferring to England for their final two years. And the University isn’t just targeting Malaysian students.
"Our ambition is to market this opportunity regionally, so our big target for us is going to be the Indonesian type market, potentially Vietnam, potentially Thailand, and of course China and India."
Both Southampton and Newcastle are renowned in the UK for their student nightlife, but many parts of Educity are still under construction. The nearest big town is around 20 minutes drive away. But the students don't seem to mind.
"Things are very different here, I don't think many of us go out every night, but we do have fun during the weekends."
The final plan will see eight departments from eight separate universities located here on the one campus -- giving students the chance to get a world class degree both closer to home, and for a lot less money.

1. a
2. a
3. b

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