Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Transcript and Answers

When renowned zoologist Diane Fossey, the inspiration behind the film Gorillas in the Mist, was murdered in 1985 there were just 250 mountain gorillas left in Africa’s Virunga mountains.
But 27 years on, numbers of the gentle giants have doubled, thanks to a group of doctors that her work inspired.
The Gorilla Doctors take care of injured and critically ill gorillas and provide medical treatment and quarantine of orphans, with as many as eight gorillas cared for at any one time.
Starting out with the first Gorilla Doctor, Dr James Foster, the group now employs 16 vets and operates across three countries - the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda.

To a lot of men, Japanese artist Macaon has the perfect job and it's not difficult to see why.
He gets to drink beer and soda and then recycles the cans by twisting them into much-loved  superstars from comic books, films and video games.
Macaon transforms the old aluminium into iconic figures like Buzz Lightyear and Woody from Toy Story, a Decepticon from Transformers, a mask of Star Wars villain Darth Vader and video play station hero Super Mario.
While childhood favourite Pikachu from the Pokémon TV series is created using Japanese drinks in a bright golden yellow.
Each can is selected for colour, and painstakingly cut up and bent into position with the skill of an origami master. 
Other examples of the artist's amazing work can be seen on his Japanese website.

Jazz bassist Marcus Miller and 10 members of his band have been injured following a serious bus crash in Switzerland. The driver of the vehicle died in the accident, but none of the other passengers appeared to have life-threatening injuries.
After performing in Monaco on Saturday night, the Marcus Miller Band was en route to the Netherlands, for a gig. Driving down the A2 motorway, near the Swiss town of Schattdorf, the bus reportedly toppled as it went around a bend. The bus was carrying 13 people,the driver, Miller, and  his band and crew. The survivors were all taken to hospital. Miller and two others will soon be released, while others will be kept overnight under observation.
Police confirmed that no other vehicles were involved in the crash but did not give details of the cause of the accident.


1. a  True
2. a  True
3. b  False

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