Monday, November 19, 2012

Pretoria's Jacaranda Trees Are An 'Alien' Problem

Watch the video below from AFP News and answer the following questions.

1.  Which of the following statements is true of Pretoria?
a. It grew from a mining town.
b. It has always been a big city.
c. All of the Jacaranda trees have grown wild in the city.

2. Which of the following statements is true about Jacaranda trees?
a. They have always been native to South Africa.
b. They grow in Brazil.
c. They don't need much water.

3. Which of the statements does Alexander Wildervank agree with?
a. The tree should be saved as it's very beautiful.
b. The wood is a good alternative to pine.
c. The tree should NOT be replanted.

See below for transcript and answers:

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