Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Nestled at the foot of the French Pyrenees the tiny village of Bugarach looks sleepy enough, but according to some, this is about the most important place on the face of the earth right now. Lovers of the esoteric believe this mountain is a hotspot for paranormal activity and may be the only place to survive the impending end of the world predicted by some New Age groups for the 21st of December. The village mayor is so worried he’s asked the government to send help in case the area is inundated by UFO hunters seeking refuge.

“The danger is that if this event isn’t taken into account by local authorities, we might find ourselves on the 21st with 5, 10, 20,000 people here in complete anarchy, and we wouldn’t be able to handle them. Plus if people were to climb the mountain in December - that’s very dangerous so we could even have some fatalities.” 

So far the floods of visitors don’t seem to be arriving in great numbers, but plenty of locals are prepared to admit that strange lights and other mysterious phenomena are often seen around the nearby mountain.

“I, myself, have witnessed things I can’t explain, but Bugarach doesn’t have a monopoly on that. We need to wake up, there are things we can’t explain all over the world, it’s not just here.” 

At the local shop, Patrice keeps a collection of mysterious pictures and video captured by residents or visiting hikers. 

“It seems as though it’s not stabilized in space time.” 

Since the mayors call for help, he says, military checkpoints have sprung up on local roads and the hills around the village are now full of men in camouflage gear, leading some to speculate that the military knows more about strange activity on Bugarach than they’re letting on. 

“We’re wondering, since there are flying objects, whether military objects or things that have come from who knows where, then the military must have seen it because everyone sees it. So the question we’re asking ourselves is, whether they might actually be in the process of blocking off the mountain so they can better conduct their own research?” 

Government representatives have now said they are blocking further access to the mountain for public safety reasons. The villagers say they’re just waiting to get back to normal once the 22nd of December comes round, that’s if there is one!


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