Friday, February 15, 2013

Transcript and Answers: Argentine Cowboys Turn Trendsetters

It’s a classic postcard image of Argentina – the gaucho, or cowboy, rounding-up his cattle on horseback. But this traditional way of life is dying out – as cattle ranches give way to more lucrative soya plantations grown for biofuel. 
“The world is globalized now, so people have changed. We no longer have real roots in the land and so there’s been a deep loss of identity” 
Since 2003 a third of Argentina’s cultivated land has switched from livestock to crops. But at least part of the cowboy lifestyle is still going strong – their billowing trousers, called bombachas. Legend has it they arrived in Argentina in the nineteenth century, when the country accepted a shipment of military uniforms from Turkey, left over from the Crimean War. Perfect for horseback riding, the trousers caught on among cattle herders and wealthy landowners alike. 
“I’m very used to wearing these clothes, they’re comfortable and I’m proud to wear them” 
 And to buy your bombachas – this is the place to come. “Aux Charpentiers” is a Buenos Aires boutique founded by French immigrants at the end of the 19th century. A classic cotton pair costs about 60 euros. The shop has featured in fashion magazines around the world and is a key stop for stylish tourists. ,  
“They'll never disappear, because they're something clients tell us they wouldn’t change for anything in the world, because they're cool and comfortable” 
Here, the bombachas are entirely handmade. 
“Bombachas are a lot of work. The strap, a pocket here, a pocket there… this pair has five pockets. Those over there only have three pockets, thank goodness, and they don’t have buttons. That takes time” 
 The shop now sells new designs for a younger clientele – narrower bombachas for the city, or linen ones for the summer. Argentina’s gauchos may be making way for soya in the country – but in the city, they’re fashion icons. 
1. a
2. b
3. b
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