Saturday, February 9, 2013

Transcript and Answers: Family Love Awaits Weary New Year Traveller

Chen Guolan has almost 48-hours of stressful travel ahead of her, but this is the day she’s been looking forward to all year. The 50-year-old domestic worker is joining the world's largest annual migration ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday. The journey will take her from China's capital Beijing to the quiet backwater she calls home, an epic 1,000-mile journey. 
"Right now my heart is so excited. I’m returning to my family's home. I’ve worked so hard all year and now I’m coming home." 
An estimated 220 million train rides are made during the 40-day travel season. Chen is one of hundreds of passengers spending the next 30 hours cramped on this service to the south-western city of Chongqing. Meanwhile, at her family home in Sichuan province, her son and husband are preparing for her return. 
"Chinese New Year is so important because every year the family will be able to spend time together."  "I am so happy in my heart. My wife is returning home." 
It's 3am, and finally the moment the family have been waiting for. The following day, Chen welcomes a steady stream of relatives. For her, and all of China's 236 million migrants, this is the only time of year they spend with their family. 
"The best thing about New Year is being with family. The old, the young, everyone, I’m so happy." 
It's now time to relax in Chen's small town, a world away from her life in the metropolis. Until, that is, she makes the journey back to work in three weeks' time. 

1. a
2. a
3. b

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