Thursday, April 4, 2013

Comprehension: Abidjan's Artists Given New Lease of Life

Two years after Ivory Coast's post-electoral crisis left more than 3000 people dead; the country is slowly getting back on its feet. In Abidjan, artists and gallery owners are enjoying a revival of the contemporary art scene with exhibitions springing up in the city and buyers keen to invest in local talent. 

Watch the video and answer the questions below. Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. The Cécile Fakhoury gallery has opened recently.
a. True
b. False

2. Frédéric Tapé has bought a piece of art from Paul Sika.
a. True
b. False

3. The Ivory Coast government are focusing on the contemporary art market.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

A sign of Ivory Coast's revival- a contemporary art gallery in Abidjan reopens doors that have been closed since the post-electoral crisis two years ago.  Here, up-and-coming artists are supported as well as promoted: 
"The Foundation wants to promote contemporary art, give the means to young artists, locally, to be able to work - and to be able to become known by the outside world." 
The Cécile Fakhoury gallery is another to open recently in Abidja. But selling the work that goes on display can't be taken for granted. The market here is still very young.
"To create a market, is to start from zero. Although things were being created, the market is still a little neglected and needs complete development. And market creation will only happen by way of Africans and Ivorians buying from their artists." 
Frédéric Tapé is one such Ivorian buyer; a young media entrepreneur with disposable income - he has recently acquired eight works.
"It's a pleasure but at the same time a mission. I think it's important for anyone who is financially stable to make the same sort of investment - because for me, it is more than anything an investment." 
Frederic has invested in artists like Paul Sika - a photographer who puts a unique and colourful slant on the world he sees around him. 
“I am convinced, I really feel, that in the world of art we're going to have the type of evolution that we've seen in football with the generation of Drogba, Kolo Toure and Yaya Toure. I think the generation of artists in Ivory Coast is going to experience the same kind of growth..." 
With relative peace in Ivory Coast and a government focused on economic growth, it’s likely that art will be just one of the winners of the country's recovery.

1. a
2. a
3. b

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