Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Comprehension: French Prisoners Escape - With a Book

It's the one way prisoners are positively encouraged to escape: with a good book. A new French scheme aims to get detainees reading.

Watch the video and answer the questions below. Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. This is the second time that Madani has attended one of these events.
a. True
b. False

2. Olivier Truc expects the inmates to read his books before coming to the meetings.
a. True
b. False

3. Four prisons take part in this scheme.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

Escape with a book, runs the old slogan. It certainly seems like an appealing prospect for these inmates at a French prison. They're taking part in a scheme designed to get prisoners reading - through talks and conversations with some of France's most popular writers. 

"I've always insisted that authors also address themselves to non-readers. Over the last nine years we've had some people who have met authors, had the mystique taken out of authors and writing and books, and they consequently started going to libraries." 

Madani is a case in point. This is the fourth time he's attended one of these events. It inspired him so much he’s qualified as a librarian himself while in jail. He reads an average of two books every week - and relishes the chance to meet some of his literary heroes. 

"It's a chance to get away from yourself - firstly by having read the book, and then by meeting the author to try and understand certain things - to ask questions and get answers." 

For the author, Olivier Truc, it's a chance not just to win new readers, but to exchange ideas and experiences with people from a very different background. 

"I was also very interested to meet them, to see what they thought of the book and how the meeting would go. For me, whether they read the book or not is secondary. I felt that there were more stories there, coming from them rather than from me."

This is the third year the scheme's been running, with four prisons in this part of France now taking part. With more and more inmates getting involved, this could be one form of escapism the authorities are happy to encourage. 

1. b
2. b
3. a

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