Friday, April 12, 2013

Comprehension: Trash-Burning Stove Helps Clean Up African Village

An oven fuelled by rubbish in a small village in central Kenya is helping to transform the community. The community cooker runs entirely on rubbish collected from farms and houses, and allows families to cook their food for free, saving them money and time. 

Watch the video and answer the questions below. Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. Dorcas uses the community cooker in the evening.
a. True
b. False

2. Fewer trees will be cut now the cooker is being used.
a. True
b. False

3. The community cooker can burn anything.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers:

Every morning Dorcas comes to this huge oven in the centre of her village in the Rift valley of Kenya to cook food for her family. A simple activity, made unusual by the fuel heating the stove - rubbish from the nearby farms and from around the village.
"I was buying charcoal and I was using much more money, so now I can save money because I'm not using charcoal anymore." 
Dorcas also says the food cooks much quicker, and tastes better than when she cooks it at home, as there is no smoke around the cooker. There are other benefits too. Her village is getting cleaner and greener. 
"It will avoid people cutting their trees and they'll be using the cooker instead of using their fire wood."
 It took the architect, Nairobi born Jim Archer, several years to get the internal heat hot enough to cook on. Funded by the UN, the foundation behind the community cooker now hopes to see similar models in operation elsewhere. 
"We've had enquiries from all over the world from Bali, from Cornwall in the UK, from Nigeria, and so we are hoping to be able to replicate this idea in as many places as possible." 
The community cooker can't burn everything - rubber produces too much toxic smoke for instance - but it can rid whole neighbourhoods of plastic bags and other rubbish. And that could see both the environment, and the residents reaping the benefits. 

1. b
2. a
3. b

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