Monday, May 13, 2013

Comprehension: Dutch Love Their Argentine Queen

Maxima, the Argentine-born future queen of the Netherlands, has worked hard to win over Dutch hearts and is now immensely popular. 

Watch the video and answer the questions below. Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. Maxima Zorreguieta met prince Willem-Alexander in 2002.
a. True
b. False

2. Maxima speaks Dutch very well.
b. False

3. Opinion polls show that Maxima is still very popular.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers

Introducing the future queen of the Netherlands, Argentine born, Maxima Zorreguieta, married prince Willem-Alexander in 2002. Since then the Dutch have accepted her as one of their own. She's learnt the language; even her three blond daughters seem to match the national stereotype. Meanwhile, media and public alike scrutinize her appearance and style. 

"Her fashion taste is very good she wears Louboutin so… I'm a very great fan, big fan of Maxima" 

"We have strict rules of course when you are a queen or a princess, so she wants of course also sexy things but she does it with respect to the people so, a little bit décolleté, but in a way that it’s still hot and sexy for a princess." 

The Maxima wardrobe is a classic one. But it's one still with its roots in the Buenos Aires of her youth. Graciela Naum is one of her preferred stylists:

 "Since she's so authentic and herself, she's keen on different textures, colours and styles. She'll try anything - she has a great time trying things, playing with colours and changing stylists. She’s a woman from head to toe."
But the former investment banker will soon graduate from mere citizen to become queen of the Dutch. Already the country's most popular member of the royal family according to opinion polls, the fairy-tale rise of Maxima shows no sign of slowing down. 


1. b
2. a
3. a

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