Thursday, May 30, 2013

Comprehension: 'Pistol-Packing Ladies' Take Aim

It's a ladies' get-together with a difference: these women are firing handguns at human-shaped targets. The Pistol Packing Ladies are just one group of thousands in America who enjoy their weapons and want to keep gun control at a minimum. 

Watch the video and answer the questions below.  Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. Teresa started the women’s group under 12 months ago.
a. True
b. False

2. Nearly 25% of women in the United States owned a gun in 2011.
a. True
b. False

3. The women believe there should be some reform to the gun laws.
a. True
b. False

For transcript and answers see below.

Transcript and Answers
It's Ladies Night at this Virginia shooting range - Pistol-Packing Ladies, that is. 

Teresa started the women's group over a year ago. A former Marine, she wanted to empower women by teaching them how to safely handle a gun. 

"When they first come in to try shooting, they're a little bit nervous, some of them are a little scared, maybe never picked up a gun before, but once they feel and understand the power of the gun and that it's fun to shoot, I think it gives them confidence that they can now take care of themselves in a different manner." 

And taking care of themselves is the ultimate goal. Surveys show nearly a quarter of women in the United States owned a gun in 2011 - a 10-point increase from 2005. For group members like Sharon, it's not just about breaking down barriers - it's claiming a constitutional right. 

"I don't want anyone telling me I can't have something that I'm really entitled to have.  As long as they're used right, they're not dangerous."

 First-time shooters begin their session with a 40-minute safety briefing before moving on to the range. It's a talk Teresa has given countless times, but says can't be stressed enough. 

"If you own a gun, you need to train with that gun and be safe with your gun so you don't hurt yourself or others - that's the point."

 The US has been caught up in a fierce battle over gun control since the Newtown massacre last year that left 20 young children and six adults dead. But so far, attempts to make gun laws stricter have failed. Like most gun owners, these women approve of some reform – but still defend their right to bear arms. 

"I think the debate isn't how to keep a gun out of a good person's hands – I think the debate is how to keep the gun out of a bad person's hands, and I think that's where we need to change the focus to." 

As the debate rages on, the Pistol-Packing Ladies say they'll continue their firing tradition at this range - and prove women can hit the bullseye, too. 


1. b
2. a
3. a

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